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What is 100x coin?

As an auto-liquidity and auto-deflationary token, 100X’s supply is always changing, but the estimated market cap at this price is $7.6 million. What Is 100x Coin? 100X is one of the many crypto projects betting on social media momentum and a meme’s power to achieve extreme popularity.

Why does 100x's price rise?

100X’s price rises due to increased demand since the supply is constantly decreasing. By automatically staking traders into the pool for every transaction, early adopters who transact 100X can gain a passive income for their stake.

Is 100x the future of crypto?

Community-driven projects may be the future for many new crypto projects. 100X has so far been very successful in promoting its projects to attract new partners and investors to its project model. Based on 100X’s price history, it has successfully seen its price rise by several hundred percent several times.

Is 100x a good investment?

This actually creates two avenues of potential gain for holders and traders of 100X: 100X’s price rises due to increased demand since the supply is constantly decreasing. By automatically staking traders into the pool for every transaction, early adopters who transact 100X can gain a passive income for their stake.

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